Robert S. Boynton
Like Boynton, I think that the copyright laws have gotten a little out of control and strict at times. If it involves the Girl Scouts raising the price of Thin Mints to pay expenses for a few campfire songs- where do I sign up for the revolution. I think people are entitled for some form of payment if they provide services such as music, art, literature, scientific findings, etc., but when Donald Trump and Paris Hilton start copyrighting their catch phrases, there as to be some ground rules or leeways to copyrights. I agree with the rights of people to collaborate, sample, and pull from past sources to make something new and different- it's hard to be completely "original." I disagree with Copy Left's idea that the current copyright regulations will cause a stagnation in creativity. They feel that the laws will send us in a time warp, turning us back into talking monkeys. If history has proved anything, very little has stopped man from seeking knowledge and information, whatever the cost. So to cry about paying 99 cents for a song, seems a little childish to me when looking at the big picture. We as American citizens, believe it or not, have the ability to change the governments rules on Copyrighting if we feel this is the work of a tyrant. However, in college right now, I will happily reach into the information cookie jar until I spoil my dinner.
I agree that the copyright laws are getting a little too ridiculous. Allowing people to copyright their own catch phrase is a little too far. Soon, American Citizens won't be able to say a single word in the English language if these ways continue.
I agree with you, to some extent. I do think that the current copyright laws are hindering social growth, because there is too much ownership of ideas that straight up need to be in the public domain. For example, how stupid is it that no television network (other than the one carrying it) can legally say "Super Bowl", they have to use some other euphamism like "the BIG game" or something like that. I just think that copyright laws need a major check/balance because the way it is right now is too advantageous to the rich.
Copyright laws have become excessive. Copyrights can be extended well past the persons life expectancy. They won't benefit from it when they're dead, so why allow such copyright extentions.
"If history has proved anything, very little has stopped man from seeking knowledge and information, whatever the cost." This is a very good point and i totally argee with it. I to will be reaching into the cookie jar until someone stops me.
I am for copyright laws but I also am not for them. As far as music goes I believe that we should be able to download and share it because the artists have several other ways of making their money. There is also the issue of copying peoples written work. I believe book said that people should have to come up with their own written work but it is ok to use other peoples ideas to help you get started. I am not a very creative person when it comes to writing so I agree with this concept.
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I agre with you on some points. I agree that when catch phrases start being copyrighted, something needs to be done. Especially something that comes out of Paris Hilton's mouth. I also agree that people should be rewarded for releasing things like this into the society, but i don't think that they should get rewarded everytime that song is played.
I agree that it seems foolish to whine about a 99 cent download charge. But I also believe that since we were obtaining music for free from the beginning, many people do not want to pay for it. There will be many lawsuits to come but I believe that soon enough we will find a middle ground in this effort.
Nice post. I agree with what Jarek said. However, I can kind of see where these big time singers are coming from. They expect to get a huge cut out of their music and with the recent music downloading we are taking away from their cut. I don't actually have a problem with that, they have more money than I ever will. I'm just saying if the shoe was on the other foot, maybe it would be different.
Nice post. I agree with what Jarek about how we can stop this if we wanted to. But the copy right laws are getting to be ridiculous. Soon we will have to quote everything we say.
I totally agree with you...the laws today about music and movies are out of control just like how the ou students are getting in trouble from the music gurus.....and the scholl isnt going to back them. i mean after the whole thing with napster and metallica went down its been like a total domino effect and i think that somewhere it needs to stop... and are for real mike? only the stations carrying it can say super bowl?? see thats just dumb as shit!
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