Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Literacy Technology and Money capital by Ohmann brings to light many new ideas that come along with technology with a strong emphasis on business and capitalists. Ohmann feels that computers haven’t really helped us but helped capitalists monopolize us more effectively with less work. He feels that as a society we think computers are helping us and don’t see what capitalists are doing to make us by there products. I don’t know I totally agree with all of this crap about computers not really helping us and just monopolizing everything because I don’t know where I would be without my computer, I know one thing I wouldn’t be able to do this blog, I also wouldn’t communicate as easily and I am sure businesses wouldn't be as productive. Although in the ending of this article I did feel that he does think that computers are an asset but we don’t know enough about them and there will always be bearers because people will always need help.
In the opening statement he talks about the word literacy and how it wasn’t used in the 19th century because back then they knew who was able to read and write because of the bearer of the social class system. It wasn’t until the idea of educating the lower class that the word literacy was started to be a word that we would hear on a normal basis. Now in the 21st century we think of computer literacy because that is where we are finding more problems with people not able to understand computers. “Understand the software…will be a primary component of literacy in the electronic age.” It may be hard for our generation to understand the technology bearer because we have grown up with it, but many older generations are still having a hard time getting use to this crazy world of computers. All together I found this article like many other articles we have read this quarter to be an interesting look at the way some people view what we do in our normal lives in different ways and thinking out side of the box.


Blogger Ondřej Sloup said...


I like your blog. Nice spots. If you'll have time you can look on my page.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

I agree about the monopoly of computers comment. Computers are a great help to society. As you pointed out, businesses are doing better because of computers, and as students, we are heavily reliant on them.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

I like the reference to the word literacy and how it has changed in meaning over the years. This is a very true situation, because when the word was first used, it was used to describe citizens that could not read. As we progress through time, it advances with the current time period.

4:45 PM  
Blogger Hume said...

Technology has made life much easier for our society, and I don't believe technology has had many negative consequences. Society is always evolving, and technology is the path we have taken.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Jarek said...

I agree that computers and computer by-products have intertwined themselves into our daily lives, making them a lot simple. It's true how today we don't need to know how to program and understand computers to work with them. A great example of this is at Sheetz (gas station), all you have to do is point and click, and zap, a hot tasty meal is ready for you in seconds- great when its 3 in the morning and drunk.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

So literacy is a new coming with age. I like the fact that most people are literate now. However, I am computer illiterate. I don't think computers are going to take over or anything. I do believe that they are a handy piece of technology to help us dig deeper for information. I would consider our generation lucky because we have the internet capabilities that we do.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Tarryn said...

I do not agree with the idea that computers have only helped capitalists monopolize society. I feel that computers have helped society in many ways and are great for certain things, but that some people rely on them a little too much. When looking up information or communicating with others, computers are often the best and most convenient source. However, I feel that too many people revolve their daily activities around computers.

9:27 PM  

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