Thursday, February 01, 2007

Malcolm X

I liked the reading Malcolm X because it showed how much he was able to accomplish on just teaching himself. He went from a kid in the street to jail. I agree with him when he said he is smarter then someone who completes college. Being in jail and all, he had all the free time in the world and to spend up to fifteen hours a day just reading is amazing because not many other people have the determination to do that. I think that if you are someone who has the self discipline to teach yourself then go for it because there are many people out there that have dropped out of school and have made something big of themselves.


Blogger skyler said...

I enjoyed this article as well. I think it is amazing how someone can change their life around from a criminal to a historic figure in the Civil Rights movement. Malcolm X could be a major insperation in another persons life who has a similar background

5:10 PM  
Blogger TheBull85 said...

Yes, i agree with the fact of being able to teach yourself without having to be in the confines of a state or government institute. With Malcom X being a largly publisised figure in american history whos to say that he was not the one that was more succefull with the time he spent on earth than those that went off to college. Being strong minded and fit to stay with it i feel that Malcom did what he could with what he had. His life story tells alot of what someone can do with nothing!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I enjoyed the article too. This article shows that when someone really wants to do something and the put there mind to it they can do it. Malcom X did this and it changed his life. His story is very insperational

5:15 PM  
Blogger Jarek said...

I agree a lot with Malcom X and his style of learning. There's a great deal more enthusiasum with learning if it is something that sparks a interests in you compared to learning just because it's the norm.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

It's amazing what Malcolm X accomplished because he was put in jail. He taught himself to write, copied the dictionary, and learned a great deal. I would never copy the dictionary, because I don't need to learn how to write.. this is something that a lot of people take for granted.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Tarryn said...

This article brought up many interesting issues. One that I found most interesting was that Macolm X said he learned more in prison than he would have in school. It is amazing to me that somone could have that much self motivation to copy the dictionary and teach himself how to read and write well. Some people that do actually go to school just do it because they fell they have to not because they are interested in learning. Those people often do what they can to just get by in school and often in life. Malcolm X, on the other hand, did not go to school but turned out to be very well educated in many areas and became an important person in history.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

It's amazing to think of the kind of strength Malcolm must have had to learn like he did. Motivation like that is awesome. Its hard for me to get out of bed sometimes and he was able to do what most college kids probably wouldn't be able to do. I know I couldn't teach myself like he did. I'd take to many recesses.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

This article shows the determintation and drive of Malcom X. To stay persistant in his studies and to constantly be learning is a major declaration of determination. Many individuals do this to an extent, but not as severe. For example, individuals that play basketball, or baseball, or maybe even skateboard stick with the activity to try to better themselves and learn new tricks. Now this may not be the same as the learning concept, but to an extent, the individual displays the same determination and drive to continue on, to improve everyday, and to be the best, or brightest possible individual.

5:21 PM  

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