Tuesday, January 16, 2007


WOW, this peace is very well writen and i love the fact that Thieme continues to dwell on the fact that the internet is a peace of access that cant always be trusted. Thought when he mentions the fact that "Roswell" may or may not happened and that most of this incident did not happen he kind of goes agaist what he is saying in his own article. He even goes on to mention that no witness or military personel is alive today, so then how can we ever really get the truth unless we dive into the military data base and dig up some files? The truth is we will never know the truth about that night because i feel that the government not only dosnt want to know the truth but they want our minds to wonder adn make up our own opinion. To me i feel at home when he said how Schmitt uses the word "Roswell" like evangilist use the word "Jesus." and like many others use these words in the same terms i feel as if the UFO comunity along with other comunities like "Nes" and "Big-Foot" are just like you and i with a bit of a twist. We grow up knowing God and believe in him, weather or not he is real or just something made up like Santa Clause to keep us from getting into trouble and keeping us on the right path to good and away from evil. The basic fact is that we believe.
I like how Thieme discusses the internet as copies of copies or copies of originals and or a copy of nothing and that its just made up. Being manipulated is a big part in todays world and with everything and everybody going to the web for research and daily news i am sure and quite positive that there are things on the WWW world that fall short of the truth. But like Theime states, "there's no way to know if we are looking at a copy of an original..........or a copy that has no original. i love the section of how this makes money, boy aint that the truth. but if it was not real then how come it made so much comotion with the government? if there were witnesses that came forward with information how come it was written down and never talked about again? (discovery channel)
As a whoe i loved reading this peace of literature, it brought light to maybe rethinking about doing your research online and maybe we should stick to reading books!


Blogger Sarah said...

I agree with you! Who really knows what is right and wrong? How are we supposed to ever know if this event really happened if no one is alive? Interesting yet touchy subject. It's one of those things you just have to choose what you want.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Ward said...

YA this artical really makes you think about our government and our beliefs..a fitting artical for college students who are questioning everything!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Jenna Bridge said...

i also think it is interesting that The Roswell incident, whether is happened or not, is used like evangelists use Jesus. Like people who believe in Jesus, it is based off of faith just like the people who believe in Roswell because there is no official evidence that a UFO ever crashed down here.

1:15 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

I agree, I like how he uses this topic to show how you can't trust everything you read online. Another part of the article that I liked was how people come to be a UFO professional. They have a debate and shoot down another person's idea. I remember when I was abducted the first time. They showed me the "Real" autopsy tape. lol

1:52 PM  
Blogger James Gennert said...

I think the Roswell incident is interesting and I like to read about things like this. I would like to believe something like this however, I can't believe it unless I see it with my own eyes. As far as information on the internet, I have no problem getting my facts from there because a lot of the stuff is still factual information.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

This article proves you can't always believe what you read or see for that matter. I believe that there is other life but i don't know if that UFO ever crashed . If a UFO were to crash today then we would all know about it because the news would be there.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Tarryn said...

This article brings up many interesting questions. The Roswell incident is just another thing that we will probably never know wheter or not it really happened. There are so many things in the world that may or may not have happened or that do or dont exist and it just depends on the person whether or not they believe. Some people need hard evidence or need to see something themselves to believe it. Others, however, have a little more faith and will believe something without having pure facts.

9:46 PM  

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