Thursday, February 01, 2007


As an English education major, I was at first impressed by some of Freire's points in the introduction. I liked the part where he said that literacy is crucial because "it is the primary means by which we interact with and construct our world." I thought this was a valid point and agreed with him, and I also liked that he was such a strong supporter of education. However, as I began to read his article, I started to really dislike him. As a future teacher, I resent the fact that he said teachers are are a "narrating subject" and the students are "listening objects" that will become "lifeless and petrified" because of the teachers. His whole banking concept of education in which teachers turn students into "containers that are to be filled by teachers" has an interesting point, but I don't think it's true all of the time. I believe that students can take the information they are given and either simply memorize it, or apply it to their lives. It is their decision on how they use the information, the teacher simply provides it. I also disliked how Freire continuously said that teachers were oppressing their students and taking away their creativity. It was like he was suggesting that teachers were trying to mold the students' minds to think as the government wants them to. The intro said that Freire spent a lot of time in Brazil and Africa, so maybe he was speaking more about their education systems than those of the U.S. Either way, I was still annoyed about his negative portrayal of teachers and did not like the article because I felt it implied that teachers are heartless and uncaring.


Blogger Jenna Bridge said...

I agree with your posting because i am an education major and the article rubbed me the wrong way at points. I found it hard to believe that he would group all teachers together to be referred to as "narrating objects" instead of them being a positive influence on kids lives at some points. I just thought it was very one sided and the essay would've been stronger if he didn't show just one way of looking at teachers.

5:11 PM  
Blogger James Gennert said...

Well this article really had no interest to me. I agree though with how this article was one sided. It was like you either agreed with it or didn't and I didn't because of the way he described the teachers and how they are looked upon.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I agree it kind of sucks to be force fed information that you don't really care about. It is so much easier to do anything or learn anything if you are truely interested in a topic. I don't know. He was a little one-sided to. I'll have to agree on that and I don't think it's fair to see teachers as one thing and that one thing only. Like Jenna said they can be a positive influence in life too!

5:22 PM  
Blogger Hume said...

I agree that the article does not support the method of teaching that many schools today use. I believe that students will not always be motivated to learn, and must be "filled" with knowledge.

5:23 PM  

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