Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This article was about hackers and how they were considered in the authors eyes as "outlaws," but in reality were intellihent young people who wanted to have fun. The media had portrayed these computer hackers as people who were committing crimes that held the same weight as murder and burglary when in all actuality, these were guys of around the age of 18 who were clean cut and only wanted to have the thrill of taking something from the vast internet. The part of the article that truly surprised me was how the Secret Service would go around to these young mens house, guns drawn, and take all their computer equipment as well as any note which were written about computing. The Secret Service would claim that these were being taken for evidence in a case but when no charges were filed against the accused, the equipment was never returned causing the "crackers" a lot of money. The main argument that this written piece brings up: under what circumstances are computers and what is on them considered in the 4th amendment. To my knowledge there is no answer to that question.


Blogger Jenna Bridge said...

I think it's interesting how they are portrayed as outlaws instead of just young kids who want to stir up some trouble. I also find it interesting that these kids really aren't trouble makers outside the world of virtual reality, but in cyberspace, they are badasses.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Hume said...

The author also made the point that teenage boys go through phases of wanting to go where they are not allowed. With access to the internet, a whole new world has opened up for teenage mischief.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Ward said...

Its amazinng all the new issues that come up with computers. Now we have to worrie about hackers taking over our lives. I don't think that they should have been held on the same regards as murder but I feel this artical does a decent job of wanting us to hate them and what they are doing. I think hackers are just only getting stared because of the more new technology and the more we trust our computer and the internet the more we put our guards down about protecting our selves! I Did enjoy your take on it nice blog.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Jarek said...

The article does raise many questions concerning the rights of these hackers as well as the ones being hacked. Freedom of information should be granted, but with some leaway to product privicy about sensitive information and how that can affect someones life.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Tarryn said...

I thought this article was interesting. I didnt understand how secret services could take not only computer equipment and software, but phones and other electronics as well. I could understand if it was initailly for investigation but when no charges were ever filled, why werent the items returned.

5:12 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

18 year olds who want the thrill of stealing a car still have to face some type of penalty. Sure the CIA was a little tough on the penalties by barging in to homes with guns and taking away so much valuable equipment, but these kids or outlaws were still in the wrong. I think in a way it was better for these kids that there were no charges brought up.

5:14 PM  
Blogger James Gennert said...

I liked this article. I have two different views about hackers-they can be good and bad. It's good to have them around because they can be used for government purposes but also if they are just normal people who like to ruin peoples computers for the fun of it then it is wrong. However I think that the best hackers are usually the ones that learn everything on their own. I think this because when they get caught, sometimes they might be asked to cut a deal for their services.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

The issue of the computer hacker during the time period as phiber optik and acid phreak seem to be a lot more drastic then those of today. Many individuals on the Internet today realize that their are computer hackers and don't really worry about them because of the mass use of the internet. When the internet was a new item to society, people were scared that a person could get online and steal your identity and information. Today it has become just another threat of the Internet, matching up there with computer virus'.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

It is people like these kids that scare me. I don't know why they scare me so much but they do. It is crazy to think that there is so much information out there on the web and with just a little information about a paticular person a lot more information can be found. I know I am probably not a target for these people but I think they really are just looking for easy access. Meaning those of us who do our shopping online could have a hard way to go because thats probably where they got there information. People will do anything if they are desperate enough.

5:19 PM  
Blogger skyler said...

I liked this article as well. And I liked what Jenna said about how these kids werent bad in the real world but when they were online they hand some huge balls for the things they were pulling. I think that people think they can get away with more when they are on the internet.

5:22 PM  

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