Monday, February 05, 2007


This article deals with the concept of race in the virtual world. Nakamura suggests that including race in personal descriptions will add a sense of identity tourism, and allow people to assume the identity other races. I personally feel that an online world without the classification of race is an opportunity for true equality for users. The article mentions that users of Lambdamoo proposed a petition to penalize users for harassment based on race. Some users argued that it is not required to include a description of race, therefore penalties are not necessary. The proposal of this petition illustrates that there are issues with racism online. Users that assume alternate racial identities are often only perpetuating stereotypes. Many people seek the virtual world as an escape from reality, and i believe it is not necessary for discrimination to infiltrate the virtual world.


Blogger James Gennert said...

I like the idea of how being online and not knowing someone elses race is a way of true equality because race should not matter either way if you like what you have heard from them.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

I never considered the thought of racism online, or the idea of race tourism. I don't go into chat rooms, but if I did, I don't think I would be wondering what race the person I was talking to was. I think it's crazy that there is racism online at all, because I thought that was the one place we could all be equal.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Towns said...

I also agree that there should not be discrimination in cyberspace. Users should not be required to state their race unless they wish to. By mandating the use of someones race on the internet may cause more trouble than what there would have been without the inclusion of race. If someone wishes to meet others online, it probably wont matter whether they are black white green or blue.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Jenna Bridge said...

I agree with the fact that race shouldn't be a factor while using the internet. One of the many joys of using the internet is that it is free from racial discrimination and it just focuses on your personality (or, as we have read before, a fake personality). But i think its better that someone doesn't want to takl to you because they didn't like your personality instead of seeing that you are a specific race and calling it a day at that.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

Racism online is a crazy idea. Everyone is on computers and this makes everyone on a level playing field. If its that big of a deal to people then just dont tell anyone that askes or if it askes when setting up a sn just dont fill it in , its usually optional.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Tarryn said...

I have never really thought of racism being an issue online. If i were talking to someone that I had never met before, I most likely would not ask them about their race. Although race affects many aspects of daily life, I do not see why it should be an issue online or why anyone should need to post what their racial background is. If someone wants others to know what they are that is one thing, but I dont really agree that it should be a mandatory thing.

9:35 PM  

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