Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I found this article to be very interesting. The author focused on one specific story of a psychiatrist who created an online persona that seemed completely different from his own personality. He also talks about how in society there seems to be a true identity that is attached with the physical presence of someone. Now i obviously agree with the fact that we have a true identity, but sometimes it is hard to know what exactly it is. In the Cross Dressing Psychiatrists case, I feel that Julie was part of his true identity. I cant believe that he could have made her up and become so involved just for the sake of talking to people. I think it was much deeper than that. I beleive that Julie symbolized something he wanted to be in a way but was too afraid to show that in person. He used the screen name as a disguise to let the other personality out and it worked. I think that many people probably do this today. Maybe not everyone goes to the extent that Lewin went to but Im sure that some people show a side of themselves online that people dont get to see in person.


Blogger Towns said...

I enjoyed this article. It is true about how people are able to create online personas that are much different than themselves and still be able to make people believe that who they say they are is true. I also agree with Tarryn when she states that Julie was an extension of his true identity.

5:08 PM  
Blogger James Gennert said...

I also agree on the part of how Julie was apart of him because to get that deep into characther like that shows that there is something inside of you that you need to express and he did that by becoming a completely different person online.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

That's a really interesting point you make about being able to show his true personality through Julie. I read the article, but I never thought about that before. He probably did have certain qualities that he wanted to show, so he used an alternate screen name.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I agree with you. I think that people do this either to fill a void within themselves or just to be creepy. I don't know though, maybe they are just shy. Regardless, it is scary that people can get caught up in other people's lives and some people even in their own fake identities.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree that the "Julie" persona represented a segment of his true identity. People act differently under certain circumstances, or when around different people. By creating an online persona, it allowed him to project an inner personality as his primary identity.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Ward said...

Online personas are somthing that are new to many people but have been online in one form or another for many years. I found it interesting how he because this cross dressing person i don't think he ment to it just kind of happend. I don't really think he did anything wrong because people need to know that they can't trust everything on the internet especially in any form of a chat room!

5:15 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

I agree that every individual has an inner personality that is waiting to be revealed. This is shown by the character of Julie coming out of Lewin. He uses the internet as a disguise for his new found persona and inner being. This allows him to reveal or unleash a side he's been trying to achieve while being able to be hidden from the eye of the people on the opposite end.

5:16 PM  
Blogger TheBull85 said...

I loved this article! to think that a grown people actually take thier time to come up with these personas just so that they can eaither say things to others they would not normally say or to have "sex" or rape on the net is ubsered. Being a big internet guy i like talking to all of my friends online but never have i entered a chat room. This is something that i think all human beings should experience before they die. to mess with someones head and actually have them beleive you is priceless. i applaud stone!!

5:16 PM  
Blogger skyler said...

Its funny though that people use the internet to reveal this inner personality. I mean I guess someone would look at him funny if he was walking around acting like a girl name Julie.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I really enjoyed the artivcle , but it has made me rethink who i talk to online. You dont know who or what you are talking to when you go into chat rooms. People act differently online.

5:20 PM  

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