Thursday, February 08, 2007


Wow...that was a long article, but it was an interesting one. It bring up a lot of questions about the differences between VR rape and RL rape. I know that I am still up in the air to whether I think online rape can be labeled as an actual offense or if people should "toughen up" as some people in this essay said. I think that Cyber Raping should be taken seriously, but in my personal opinion, RL rap is more emotionally and physically damaging. I understand that online rapes can leave serious emotional scars, the same as RL rapes do, but I think it leaves more of an impact when you can see a face and a body that is actually physically doing this brutal act to you.
I also think that the concept of LambdaMOO is one that is somewhat odd to me. People being able to label themselves as anyone they want to and make any type of chat room that they want, even down to the type of wall paper on the walls. Such as Mr. Bungle, who described himself as a creepy clown that sent offensive and wrong messages to others in this network. Why would someone want that type of personality to be portrayed on the internet? Me personally, I like the RL word compared to the VR world. It is more tangible and something I can relate to more than a computer.


Blogger Lauren said...

I'm not sure whether virtural reality rape can actually count as rape, although the article presented a lot of evidence in its favor, so I have to agree that I am also up in the air. Like you said though, I think people need to toughen up. Yeah, it sucks that someone said awful things to you online, but it's just a computer. Report them, ask for the comments to be taken off the website. It's not the end of the world.. and it's probably not a rape either.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

Seriously, "toughen up", I remember crying to my grandma when I was little because someone called me a name, and on all of those occasions she said, "Sticks and Stones." They took this a little too seriously because they could have easily booted or blocked the clown man from the chat room. I also don't understand the personal descriptions and stuff on the LambdaMoo. To much like Halloween everyday to me.

5:10 PM  
Blogger James Gennert said...

I thought that this was an interesting story. I believe that VR rape can be hurtful but I don't believe that it can emotionally scar someone like RL rape because it is so much worse when it involves actual physical touch.

5:12 PM  
Blogger Jarek said...

I think that there has to be some infalliable description pertaining to both VR rape and RL rape. One of the similar aspects of both is the emotional damage it can have on a person which at times can be more harmful than the physical act of it. It's the part that sticks with you over time. But on the otherhand, sticks and stone may break my bones but words can never hurt me.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I dont think i count virtual rape as really being raped. No one was touched or actually raped. Obviously this person has never been picked on in their lives. I understand that words can hurt , but to the point where you are getting people booted offline because of them.

5:23 PM  
Blogger TheBull85 said...

To be completely honest, i dont see where they have a case. now i know that they are not really talking about rape as we know it but come on...sign off if it is affending you. there have been times where i have been online and some of the things that are said in the poker room arn't rated PG-13 by no means but everyone laughs and ignores....i think that this is the same case umm toughen up.....and stop chatting online if you cant handle what is being said!

10:12 PM  

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