Thursday, March 01, 2007


This was a good article looking into the future of how music is obtained. I liked how he talked about how when things become free and easy to obtain it changes its position in economic standing, like the nighttime lighting when it was new poor people used candles and now its a sign of luxury to have candles at the dinner table. I also think he is right about how he describes the music becoming liquid, that anyone with the right software or machines can change any song they want to something that they like better. So music is becoming more personal and I think it will be even more personal in the future as he predicts.


Blogger TheBull85 said...

Well after reading this article i had to stop and think about how if i would ever change my ways of getting music. I dont think i would be able to go back and fork out 15 bucks at time just for one song. By getting everything i need with the click of a button it makes life simple and easy, and did i mention affordable!!!

10:04 PM  

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