Umberto Eco
It seems to be that Umberto is standing for the side of using technology to promote the existence of books in the future. I like how Eco relates to the new technology used today for skills similar to ones in the past. When writing first came around, it was believed that the skills of memory would degrade because humans would not have to exericse these skills anymore. As writing progressed, it seemed to help advance human skills. This is similar with today's technology; by using tapes, CD's, television, and much more, an individual can learn a large amount in a shorter period of time, compared to reading a book. The points at the end of the article are very logical in their reasoning. Books overcrowd to quickly in shelves, destroy trees valuable to the environment, are very expensive, and are just getting beat out by the new technology. Although basing everything on technology shows difficulty in the future. Umberto explains by using another story, that a person that still knows the multiplication tables in the future could be wanted for far more then the average person due to their ability to function during power shortages.